Thursday, 15 December 2011

Christmas Car Key Woes!

Perhaps it is the panic of the Christmas holidays, but this time of year we seem to be getting more calls about lost car keys! Many people are shocked when they find out the cost from the average main dealer upwards of £200 to replace their keys. A fair amount of this is due to the advancements in technology, but as you can imagine, there is quite a lot of margin in there too!

Another issue comes with using a dealer; it can take 3-5 days for some dealers to get the car keys in stock - not what you want to hear when you are reliant on your car or van!

So bear in mind their is another answer - using a dedicated auto locksmith means you get a quicker response and save money too; handy around Christmas time! We can simply come round to your home and cut a new key or program a new transponder whilst you wait.

On that note, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all at Your Auto Locksmith!

A Winter's Tale - Frozen Ford Car Locks

So winter has really hit us now here in the London area, with biting winds and frozen car windscreens!

Another issue many car owners get is frozen locks. One Ford owner that gave us a call had the problem and we gave them the same advice as we would anyone: first try spraying the lock with WD40 (and give it a minute to settle). If that doesn't work, some hot water may do the job. If not, then we're happy to come and rescue you! Whether it is a Ford or Ferrari, just get in touch by visiting London's top auto locksmiths - us! :c)